Course curriculum

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    Welcome to Advanced Psychic Development!

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    Week 1: Opening to Channel

    • Introductions

    • Let's Review

    • Keeping a Psychic Journal

    • Test Your Learning: Keeping a Psychic Journal

    • The Importance of Grounding and Clearing

    • Test your learning: Grounding

    • How Psychic Are You?

    • Guided Meditation: Guidance From the Light Within


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    Week 2: Psychic Information and Timing

    • A Lesson on Timing

    • Universal Timing and Psychic Readings

    • Interpreting Timing: Video Lecture

    • The Gift of Precognition

    • Soul Travel: Astral Projection

    • Reading Past Lives

    • Reading Past Lives: What’s the Point?


    • Recording of Zoom Call 1: January 20 at 6 CT

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    Week 3: Using Psychic Tools

    • Using Psychic Tools

    • Opening the Third Eye

    • Inspirational and Automatic Writing

    • Sheet Meditation: Clearing Exercise

    • Video Lecture: Using a Tarot Deck

    • Video Lecture: Using Psychometry

    • PARTNER ACTIVITY 3: Using a Pendulum

    • Bonus Activity: Psychometry

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    Week 4: Putting Ego Aside, Remote Viewing and Finding Missing People

    • Fine-Tuning Your Psychic Abilities

    • Remote Viewing

    • Remote Viewing: Military Use and Scientific Studies

    • Putting Ego Aside

    • Stories from the Other Side: Messages on Matter

    • Detachment and Finding Missing People

    • PARTNER ACTIVITY 4: Remote Viewing

    • Recording of Zoom 2 — February 3

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    Week 5: Mediumship

    • Mediumship: What are Your Gifts?

    • Mediumship: Learning to Interpret the Conversation

    • Communicating with Deceased Loved Ones: Exercise 1

    • Communicating with Deceased Loved Ones: Activity 2

    • Relax! It's Only a Ghost

    • Tips for Communicating with the Deceased

    • Partner Activity 5: Mediumship

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    Week 6: Defining and Refining Your Gifts

    • Proving Yourself: Telling Friends and Family

    • The Bible and the Gift of Prophecy (PDF)

    • Ethics and Boundaries

    • Compassionate Clearing

    • Avoiding Burnout

    • Psychic Upgrades and Tune-Ups

    • Defining Your Gifts

    • Recording of February 17, 2022 Advanced Psychic Development Zoom

    • Reflections and Big Takeaways

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    What's Next?

    • A Final Message from Echo

    • The Next Steps in Your Psychic Development


Echo Bodine