What is Modern Mystic?
How does Modern Mystic work?
In this four-week, interactive online workshop:
Join us for live “connection sessions” on Zoom on Wednesdays at 7 ET. All sessions are recorded if you can’t join us live.
Each week, choose from several suggested activities to try throughout the week ahead. All lessons, readings, and guided meditations are released in weekly modules on our interactive online platform.
Read and connect with ancient and modern sacred texts, all in easily downloadable pdfs to print and keep for your personal files.
Explore new rituals, mystic texts, and meditation practices, and learn and discuss ways to incorporate these practices into your daily life and work.
Access your unique creative voice when you tap into the power of incorporating sacred texts and traditions into your personal practices.
Modern Mystic Topics
Each week in this class will have a specific focus:
The Healing Power of Nature
Navigating Adversity and Change
The Pain and Beauty of Love
The Essence of Oneness
Leigh Hopkins