Do you want to make the most of the Lion's Gate Portal?
Join us for all 3 workshops for a 10% discount, plus an 8/8 activation meditation!
The Lion's Gate Portal opens every year from July 26 - August 12. To make the most of this highly positive, mystical season, enter the Lion's Gate Portal series, with pre-recorded workshops. Join us to activate your personal portal!
You'll receive:
- HEART MAPPING: From Anxiety to Connection:
- A guided "ACTIVATION MEDITATION" for the magical 8/8 **PEAK** of the Lion's Gate Portal alignment
Register for The Lion's Gate Portal Workshop Series
What people are saying...
Exceeded expectations
Beautiful inspiration
A lovely experience
Really wonderful, the workbook was fantastic!
Right on time, just what I needed!
Hopeful, helpful, and supportive
Kind and supportive fellow Spirit Workers
What is the Lion's Gate Portal series?
The Lion's Gate Portal opens every year from July 26 - August 12. In the first "activation session," you'll be guided to open up to the electrifying energy that has inspired mystics for thousands of years. This 3 week, highly positive, galactic energy peaks on the magical date of August 8 — 8/8 — when the sun in Leo, Orion's Belt, the brilliant Sirius, and the Earth all line up. Live workshops are on Wednesdays at 7 EST, and all calls are recorded. Join us and get super-boosted!
Leigh Hopkins